Reward offered for homicide leads DAYTON – Fifth Third Bank is taking contributions for the Kevin Brame Trust Fund, to fund a reward for information about the Dayton officer’s homicide, which remains unsolved “Any little lead you may have, please call,” Brame’s father, Gerald, said at a news conference Tuesday. “It may be the key.” Brame, 31, was shot Nov. 1 while off-duty after returning his two sons to his wife’s house at 624 Cherry Drive. Chief Ronald Lowe Sr. declined to identify possible suspects in Brame’s death and said detectives were looking at all possible leads. “We’re not going to cease until this is solved,” he said. The fund has $10,000 in promissory notes, including $5,000 from the Dayton fraternal Order of Police, said Dayton Maj. Mark Stusek. The fund recrivell to con tributions Tuesday: $117:7m Fifth Third Bankind $1.000 innen Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office Anyone with information should Call Crime Stoppers ist.22-STOI. Lola savil

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